‘NO’ to Cyber Bullying at St Paul’s

Cyber bullying, News, Senior Prefect Team, Senior Prefects, Student Council, Students

Pictured above is students from the Year 14 Senior Prefect team, giving a talk to Year 11 pupils at Assembly about Cyber Bullying. 

As part of their Anti Cyber Bullying Campaign, the Senior Prefect Team at St Paul’s have been taking assemblies all week to ensure that awareness about the effects and consequences of cyber bullying is received by every student in the school. They believe this raised awareness will reduce instances of cyber bullying.

During each assembly, the Year 14 students delivered a power point they devised themselves and expanded on key points. They discussed examples of cyber bullying that students would be familiar with, the effects of cyber bullying and provided tips to students on how they should try to deal with it if they are a victim or a bystander. The students were also told about instances when other young people took their lives because the bullying got so bad and too difficult to deal with. Each assembly finished with a real life video being shown of a male student being bullied and how the bullies were traced and ended up in a young offender’s unit.

The key message is that cyber bullying should be reported & that this is the first step to ensuring that it will stop. The students were encouraged by both Principal Mr Mooney and Vice Principal Mr Burns to have respect for each other and never to engage in this type of behaviour.

All students were invited to enter the Creative Arts Competition that the Senior Prefect Team have set up, with the closing date being Friday 30th November.

Pictured below is the poster the Year 14 Senior Prefect team created for the competition. For anyone looking to enter the competition you can follow the details on the poster.


Congratulations to our Senior Prefect team on this innovative initiative. Cyber bullying is a relatively new and insidious form of bullying and these presentations should do much to support any student who may be at the receiving end of such nasty behavior. Bullying is present in all institutions not just schools and is often a feature of the workplace not just schools. The lessons from these presentations offer real strategies for dealing with it wherever it may arise. I again commend the senior team on their excellent production. Well done to all concerned.

by Oliver Mooney on 22/11/2012 at 8:22 am #

Well done to our Senior Prefect team on this initiative. Great to see young people making a stand against such a serious form of bullying as Cyber Bullying. Congratulations and well done.

by paddy mc avoy on 23/11/2012 at 9:27 pm #

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