Many pupils in Years 11 and 12 avail of the opportunity to pursue curriculum initiatives established between St Paul’s and Training Agencies.

These initiatives enable students to begin their transitions to the world of work. They benefit greatly from their experiences, leading to an increase in self-esteem and enhancement of self-confidence.

Alternative Vocational Programmes currently being offered at St. Paul’s

Career sampling programme – Newry City Institute, one day per week over two years, leading to CCEA’s Occupational Studies qualification.

Work Experience – One day per week in work placement over one year, leading to certification.

S.T.E.P.S. – (Schools Training Education Partnership Scheme) a five-day week, work related and work based programme in Year 12, leading to a wide range of external accreditation.

XL Programme – A half-day per week programme over to years, focusing on life skills and leading to accreditation.

Essential Skills Level 1 and 2 in Communication, Application and Number of ICT

Learning for Life & Work

CCEA Entry Level Accreditation in Technology, Art and Design and Religious Education